April 4 ,2014


Business Meeting

April 4, 2014

 Call to Order: 

President Dan King called the meeting to order at 8:44 a.m.

Board Members Present:

President-Dan King, First Vice President- Aaron Smith, Second Vice President-Bryan Cato, Treasurer- Janet Sanders,  Secretary-Matt Clemens,  Board Member -Ron White, Board Member-Kevin Scheer, Chairman-Traey Lambertz

Board Members Absent:

Sergeant-at-Arms-Seth Wollard

Minutes of previous meeting:
Minutes from previous business meeting were distributed.

Les Hudson made the motion to accept minutes from previous business meeting.

Seconded by Jeff Amelong.

All ayes, motion carried.

Old Business:

Dan King discussed the fall 2015 conference and informed everyone a location or date, has not been set.

Traey Lambertz stated no update was available concerning the mega conference at this time.

New Business:

Ron White brought up the location of MACA conferences after the fall 2014, had a decision been made on the location.

Traey Lambertz stated bids should be in around June 2014 from several resorts, and he would bring a recommendation to the members at the fall 2014 conference.

Traey Lambertz also reminded the membership to keep an eye on bills 649, 650, and 653, bills protecting installation of cell towers, from zoning and ordinance restrictions.

Traey Lambertz discussed bill 1946 allowing private wells to be the primary source of potable water for residents.

Ron White asked if these bills could be posted on the MACA website.

Dan King stated the 2014 fall conference dates are October 15,16, and 17th. He also reminded the membership of the college scholarships available to students studying the building trades, and applications are available at the MACA website.

Traey Lambertz asked for a show of hands of who would be interested in a plan review class 20 to 25 hands were raised.

Dan King stated breakout sessions will also be available at the fall 2014 conference with training on A.D.A. accessibility and other subjects.

Treasurer’s Report:

Dan King reviewed the Treasurer’s report, Janet Sanders stated one change needed was, the scholarship cd date needed to be 1/8/14.

Angie Malone made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report with the stated correction.

Seconded by Steve Crull; all ayes; motion carried.

Dan King recognized the new members that were present.

Jason Cook from Nixa, MO.

Doug Coley from Columbia, MO.

Adjournment: Traey Lambertz made the motion to adjourn; motion seconded by Kevin Scheer; all ayes.

Meeting adjourned at 9:01 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Matt Clemens

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