Written by Valerie Carlisle
Minutes of previous meeting:
None distributed.
Old Business:
Dan King discussed the CPA decision on board members receiving free conference fees, and recommended removing it from the agenda.
New Business:
Traey Lambertz stated himself and Kevin Scheer visited the State Fire Marshal, and MACE conference at Tan-Tar-a resort to discuss a joint mega conference in the Fall of 2015. He stated training would be joint, but banquets would be separated per organization, and the conference would be booked under the state fire marshal contract with Tan-Tar-A.
Traey also discussed the nationwide ICC conference being held in Kansas City, Mo. this year he said he would be meeting with the Kansas City metro chapter, to discuss planning for the nationwide conference.
Ron White made a motion to explore a joint conference, and participation in the ICC Kansas City Conference.
Motion was seconded by Richard Rodgers; all ayes; motion carried.
General discussion started of the quality of facilities and food at this conference.
Les Hudson thought attendance would be low at a mega conference because municipalities would need to shut down for training, if employees were members of different organizations.
The cost and who would attend the ICC Conference in K.C. was discussed.
Ron White brought up for discussion sending certifications via email instead of printing them out at the conference.
Kevin Scheer stated he believed ICC allowed certifications to be emailed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Dan King reviewed the Treasurer’s report for April 2, 2013 thru October 7, 2013. The beginning balance totaled $21,763.14. Expenditures totaled $12,311.74. Deposits totaled $13,106.00. Checking Balance $22,557.40, Savings Money Market balance $17,398.62, Scholarship CD Balance $20,940.28, CD Balance $10,213.93, for a total balance of $71,110.23.
Dan King made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report.
Seconded by Les Hudson; all ayes; motion carried.
Traey Lambertz made a motion to pursue a joint second conference in 2015.
Seconded by Rick Freeman; all ayes; motion carried.
Dan King recognized the new members that were present.
Nate Haldeman from MO. Manufactured housing inspection
Jeff Surlan from Jackson MO. building department
Adjournment: Traey Lambertz made the motion to adjourn; motion seconded by Mark Jay; all ayes.
Meeting adjourned at 9:31 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Matt Clemens