January 10, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Written by Valerie Carlisle

Minutes of previous meeting:

Secretary-Matt Clemens distributed the minutes of the May 17, 2013 meeting. Janet Sanders made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; motion seconded by Aaron Smith; all ayes, motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report:

Janet Sander distributed the Treasurer’s report for October 8, 2013 thru January 8, 2014. The beginning balance of checking account totaled $22,557.40. Expenditures totaled $8,868.29. Deposits totaled $1,175.00. Checking Balance $14,864.11, Savings Money Market balance $17,402.99, Scholarship CD Balance $20,953.33, CD Balance $10,220.30, for a total balance of $63,440.73.Janet Sanders reported that a CD was maturing next week and gains on both CD’s were dismal, but at this point Regions bank still offered a better rate then U.S. Bank. Ron White made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented; motion seconded by Kevin Scheer; all ayes, motion carried.


Old Business:

Fall Seminar

Traey, stated he felt the fall conference went well overall, he has been bombarded by resorts wanting to host the MACA conference, he will be sending out request of fees for the 2015 conference. Ron White stated he would like to attend meeting if Traey met with management at Tan-Tar-A.

Janet Sanders stated the fall conference earned almost $3,000.00, after all expenses were paid.


Membership Renewals

Traey brought up membership renewal and the spring conference agenda should have already been set and mailings sent to members. Mailing list of membership is out of date, and needs to be updated. Ron White stated that if a list was available, at the spring conference the board could go thru and call the municipalities to see if the information on our list was correct. Matt Clemens stated he would bring an up to date membership list to the spring conference.


Tax Exempt Status

Janet Sanders stated that an internal audit of funds would need to be performed before filing as tax exempt, and questions involving bonding of treasurer and insurance for board members came up. The phone call to the IRS had not been made, getting their ruling on what steps MACA would need to take to obtain exempt status.


New Business:

Spring Seminar

Traey brought several training options, ICC available for over $5000.00 a day, I.E.I. at $1600.00 per day, Brian Bass is also available for electrical training, Kevin Scheer, stated he could find someone for a HVAC class.


Ron White made a motion for the Spring conference Wednesday free ICC training with a second class available if possible, Thursday, Brian Bass electrical training and I.E.I as second.

Brian Cato seconded the motion; all ayes motion carried.



Traey informed the board that Valerie would be updating the website and asked Matt and Janet if they would forward any meeting minutes they had, so they could be posted on the website. The board will need to review the scholarship requirements and listing on the website.


Janet questioned if Brooke Gray was getting the correct amount from the scholarship Ron and Janet discussed payment times.


A committee will need to be formed to review the Bi-laws, and verify everything is up to date.


Adjournment: Ron White made the motion to adjourn; motion seconded by Janet Sanders; all ayes, motion carried.



Respectfully submitted by Matt Clemens

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